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A City Reemerged from Ashes

For the millions of people who have had the fortune to visit Dresden, you can definately say it is one of Germany's most beautiful cities. The city was founded in 1216. August the strong fortified the city by erecting imperial buildings in the 17th century.

On the 13th and 14th of February 1945, the defenseless civilian population of Dresden experienced the Apocalyse, when British and allied bombers bombed the city for 2 days. dropping tons of incindiary bombs killing 35,000 people, wounding hundreds of thousands, and reducing the city to ashes, while the necessity of the bombing is still questioned today. After W.W. II Dresden was under Soviet sovereignity and not much reconstruction took place, many buildings were still untouched, until the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989.

Recently, in 1990 after German Reunification, reconstruction of these imperial buildings commenced. One of these buildings is the „Frauenkirche“ (The Church of our Lady) reinaugurated in 2005 in front of thousands of visitors from around the world. Today Dresden is once again what it was (The Florence on the Elbe) with buildings of different architectural styles that will impact visitors at first glance. Because Dresden is 200km away, the tour will take the entire day.

Please note:

Leaving from Berlin

Arrive in Dresden and tour the historic city, starting with the Theatre Plaza which is bordered by majestic buildings like the Catholic Hofkirche Church, and the Residential Palace.

  • The imperial Bridge “Augustusbrücke”.
  • The Crowned Avenue“ with its golden symbol called the (Crowned Portola), and the most tranquil and romantic part: the bath of the nymphs.
  • The Opera “Semperoper”, a beautiful building, and is used as a model for many operahouse worldwide.
  • The Brühl Terraces - a beautiful view of the Elbe and the city. A view called „the balcony of europe“ by Goethe.
  • The Procession of the Princes - an impressive representation of the Real Dynasty was built with 25,000 blue porcelain pieces from Meissen, the first of their kind in Europe.
  • The “Frauenkirche” (Church of Our Lady) has been converted into a symbol of faith and reconciliation of Dresden and the entire world. Private donors from all around the world contributed donations for the restoration. Finally after 60 years, it was reinauguated on the 30th of October, 2005, a collosal moment witnessed by millions worldwide.


Contact and costs:

Carlos Paucar


Telephone: 0049 15775378510 (Whatsapp)